1·They are the same magnitude from different perspectives.
2·Levels of total fat also seemed to increase dementia risk, but not by the same magnitude.
3·For both men and women, smoking increases the risk of death by nearly the same magnitude.
4·Most often, the second current is of the same magnitude but opposite polarity as the first.
5·While our gift is not of the same magnitude as Jim's, it is being done with a similar thought.
6·Twice before in history a country has, under similar circumstances, run up foreign reserves of the same magnitude.
7·It is shown that the effect of the earthquake occurred is greater than that of same magnitude events occurred in other re - gions.
8·Aha! If that's the case, I know - that the maximum force is now pointing upwards — the same magnitude, but it has now a different direction.
9·To solve the problem, the method that all the elements of the image of dual absolute quadric are transformed into the same magnitude is proposed.
10·Robots like Pepper are adding a new dimension in our daily lives. They would change it with the same magnitude as the PC, Internet and mobile phones did.